


The goal of this systematic review is to determine the effectiveness of empagliflozin in managing patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) as compared with a placebo


Web of Science, Cochrane, PubMed, and Scopus databases were searched for articles from 2000 to 2023. Reference lists of articles were manually screened. Trials that recruited patients with HFpEF and reported the effects of empagliflozin were included. Endnote X9 software was used for the study screening process.


1029 non-duplicate articles were identified from the literature and 9 were selected for inclusion in this review. The included papers were all randomized controlled trials (RCTs). According to the findings, empagliflozin reduces the risk of cardiovascular mortality, hospitalization for heart failure, and urgent heart failure visit to the hospital, as compared to placebo treatment. Empagliflozin was also associated with improved quality of life and lower occurrence of severe adverse events. Additionally, there were no significant differences between the treated and placebo groups, regarding the occurrence of adverse events or ability to exercise. The effect of empagliflozin was found to be better in Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists (MRA) non-users and non-diabetic HFpEF patients. The effectiveness of empagliflozin was unaffected by age or gender.


Empagliflozin treatment for HFpEF patients appears to be both safe and efficient when compared to a placebo, according to data of moderate quality.

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